On this page -- Page 2 of the Personal "fork" of this website ("Paul's Free & SPLORKY Website") -- I will put up some "stuff" (usually brief notes, excerpts, "extracts", and quotes) ... but only some because there are far too much of these materials that I have collected since
my teenage years!
Most of such materials that I have collected are actually housed in other sites
that I maintain -- thanks to the FREE hosting plans of
- lycos.com/tripod.com,
- lycos.com/angelfire.com, and
- yahoo!.com/geocities.com.
Examples of these other sites include: and earlier incarnations of this website ("Paul's Free & SPLORKY Website" -- which has also undergone quite a number of name changes!)
As mentioned by Usman Latif -- see the RSS feed in Page 1
-- a personal website is quite useful as an electronic means of
self-documentation, particularly of one's interests, hobbies, etc. As your
interests change, grow, and develop, your personal website (and mine as well)
will reflect the dynamics of the situation -- in addition to the actual CONTENT
changes, of course.
So ... for what it's worth ... check out some of the stuff below, including
materials that I have decided to put together as a RSS Feed (because it's
easier to maintain AND it's more "modularised") ... |
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Humankind is living through its greatest technological decade ever. Wherever
one looks, wondrous things can be seen. Virtual reality and cyberspace are
here. The Internet and laptops [notebook computers] with the speed of
yesterday's mainframes make electronic shopping a reality. Professor Lester C. Thurow (MIT Sloan School of Management), in Creating Wealth (London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 1999)
Prof Bergman: "In many ways, the human is a computer mechanism. Data is
received, stored, produced when needed. Much of the information we receive is
transmitted on a sub-conscious level to the memory cells. For example, when you
entered this room your five senses recorded everything of which they were
capable, yet you, consciously, operated on a basis of selection. The picture on
the walls, the nature of each piece of equipment, the texture of the floor --
to you none was of sufficient importance to demand your conscious attention,
yet the information, is stored there should you need it."Space 1999: Breakaway (recorded, in my by-now-yellowish paper-notebook, on 8 June 1979)
Dupin: "When I wish to find out how wise, or how stupid, or how good, or how
wicked is anyone, or what are his thoughts at the moment, I fashion the
expression of my face, as accurately as possible, in accordance with the
expression of his, and then wait to see what thoughts or sentiments arise in my
mind or heart, as if to match or correspond with the expression." Edgar Allan Poe, in The Purloined Letter (recorded, in my by-now-yellowish paper-notebook, on 8 June 1979)
Father Brown: "[It] was an institution such as can only exist in an oligarchical
society which has almost gone mad on good manners. It was that topsy-turvy
product -- an 'exclusive' commercial enterprise. That is, it was a thing which
paid, not by attracting people, but actually by turning people away. In the
heart of a plutocracy tradesmen become cunning enough to be more fastidious
than their customers. They positively create difficulties so that their wealthy
and weary clients may spend money and diplomacy in overcoming them. If there
were a fashionable hotel in London which no man could enter who was under six
foot, society would meekly make up parties of six-foot men to dine in it. If
there were an expensive restaurant which by a mere caprice of its proprietor
was only open on Thursday afternoon, it would be crowded on Thursday afternoon." G. K. Chesterton, in The Queer Feet (recorded, in my by-now-yellowish paper-notebook, on 11 June 1979)
There are no "ifs" in history, only in the minds of observers reviewing it, and
for all the progress we make, nobody has proved that chance is other than a
statistical delusion invented by man. Brian W. Aldiss, in The Dark Light Years (recorded, in my by-now-yellowish paper-notebook, on 15 November 1979)
- ... there comes a time in most lives when we are aware that we take ourselves
in hand, when we assume the responsibility for the ordering of our own lives.
- [It is] necessary to make not the evening [or day] but the week the unit on
which you draw up your time-table [or schedule]. That is, you must see to it
that if Tuesday evening [or day], for example, is a specially heavy one, you do
some of Tuesday night's [or day's] work on Monday night [or day].
Sir John Adams, in The Student Guide (London: English Universities Press, Ltd, 1967)
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Just browsing? Get in touch anyway and let me (Paul Quek) know what you think.
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